Game Tutorials
Subscriber Overview
Below find resources and guides for subscribers using The Training Arcade®
For Subscriber Use Only
Subscriber Overview
For Subscriber Use Only
Below find resources and guides for subscribers using The Training Arcade®
Game Tutorials
An Overview of The Training Arcade® Admin Portal


Wheel of Fortune
All Training Games
Jump Overview
Jump- How to Build It
Match Overview
Match- How to Build It
Recall Overview
Recall- How To Build It
Sort-It Overview
Sort-It- How To Build It
Knowledge Base - FAQs
How Can We Help?
- Administrator, Creator, and Viewer Rights and Responsibilities
- Are you 508 Compliant?
- Can a user create a profile that has a User Name & Login?
- Can I add our company’s privacy policy on every screen of every game?
- Can we modify the game functionality by editing its supporting script files?
- Can you copy the questions?
- Can you limit how many times your employees can play a game?
- How can I create a Player List?
- How do I sign-in?
- How many instances can I make using the games in my subscription?
- Is there a question pool for all of the games?
- What topics are The Training Arcade® games best suited for?
- What type of training format are The Training Arcade® games best suited for?
- What's the difference between Save and Save Draft?
- When I copy a question/content from a Word document or a PowerPoint and I paste into the system, the color changes in the game.
- When we export the link from The Training Arcade® to our training participants, what information would the site require them to access the game?
- Can I add corrective feedback to each of my questions?
- Can I customize The Training Arcade® based on my brand guidelines?
- Can I show a leaderboard during an Instructor-Led Training?
- Can you only have one attempt to a game but several chances to answer wrong questions?
- Can you you upload your questions all at once?
- Do you have a library of training content?
- Have you encountered any issues with data bandwidth that would limit a participant's ability to join the games?
- How do I create a game?
- How long does it take to create a game?
- How many instances can I make using the games in my subscription?
- Is there a way to make some text in a question or feedback be bold type?
- Is there a way to reduce the font size on the registration form so players don't have to scroll?
- Is there an ability to export a list of questions and answers used in a particular game?
- Is there an ability to reuse questions from a game?
- What are the character limitations?
- What question types can I create?
- What size do my images need to be?
- What type of multimedia files can I upload?
- When we pay and publish will "The Training Arcade®" logo disappear from the game?
- Which languages are available in The Training Arcade® games?
- How can I pull data from the dashboard and view?
- How do I download analytics data into an Excel sheet?
- How do I get results from the poll feature?
- How do I reset the game to clear all the Analytics created when I tested the game?
- How does the transfer of data (attempts, scores, etc.) to an LMS work for SCORM wrapped games?
- Is the game limited to 3x per person like it shows on the analytics?
- What type of user data can I track?
- Can the games be hosted on a modern SharePoint site?
- Can they pick the usernames and any other information required to setup user records at your side from the LMS (ours or client’s) without prompting for authentication?
- Can we embed a game into a PowerPoint presentation?
- Can we host these games on our servers as SCORM (on LMS) or web server to run it? We cannot connect to external server for loading content or user data reporting.
- Can we use the games within our eLearning courses without connection to your server? Do we need to host it on internal web server to create a weblink?
- Could we embed a game in our Canvas course?
- Do The Training Arcade® games integrate with the rapid authoring tools?
- Do these games need to be connected to your server to work?
- How do I add The Training Arcade® games to my LMS?
- How do you embed a game into Storyline by Articulate?
- Is The Training Arcade® compatible with my LMS? What data can be viewed on the LMS?
- What devices and operating systems are compatible with the platform?
- Are there any geo-blocking concerns that we need to consider for our international students? (i.e., would The Training Arcade® platform be accessible from countries such as China, Russia, etc.)
- Can we use the games within our eLearning courses without connection to your server? Do we need to host it on internal web server to create a weblink?
- Does the Third Party provide the service using a "multi-tenant cloud infrastructure" in which the Third Party's infrastructure (servers, databases, applications) is shared with multiple customers (tenants)?
- How do I protect my content and data?
- How does reporting work for the overall course with the games? Will the course progress be tracked on our LMS (SCORE, Completion, Quiz responses from Lectora assessment). Will there be a common identifier on LMS and your server to merge reports from our LMS and your server?
- What features will be unavailable in the games if it does not connect to your server? In some instances, connection to the external servers would not be possible due to data privacy and network security.
- What is the recovery time frame/plan if The Training Arcade® repository has an outage?
- What kind of user data does it capture from user machines during the session?
- Will our information be stored on cloud computing resources that are shared amongst multiple customers of the Third Party?
- Can I get rid of the ID section for registration?
- Can we set XP to be different per activity/game?
- Can you use an employee ID number instead of an email address?
- Do Admins need to set up Achievements or is that a built-in option?
- Do games have to be added to an Arcade in order for players to battle each other?
- Do the teams within a challenge need to be equal in size? Would a larger team have an advantage over a larger team?
- Do we have to send an invite for the Arcade or can we just send a link out and have people click the link, sign in and get started?
- How can I see a Journey that I created?
- How do I create a Beat the Boss activity?
- How do I create a Mission?
- How do SCORM files and tracking work within Arcades™?
- How to earn XP in Arcades
- If you use SSO can you segment which Arcades different users see? Or will everybody be able to see and access all Arcades?
- If you use SSO, will users that don't currently have an Arcades account have an account be automatically created when they are added to SSO?
- In Arcades, does the team’s score help an individual in any way?
- Is Arcades™ always going to require a password?
- Is there a spot in Arcades™ to link to a survey to get feedback on the site and what type of games appealed to the user?
- Is there a way for the admin to be able to check each user’s progress on the Achievements? Is it possible to offer a prize for one of the achievements like “the Start of the Journey”?
- Is there a way for users or admins to see what XP is associated with a level?
- Is there a way to edit the name of a stage once it has been created?
- Is there a way to show all the Arcades a person is a member of, if that person is a member of multiple Arcades?
- Under Settings, what is the difference between Direct Registration and Custom Registration?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of wrapping an entire Arcade with a SCORM file and adding it to an LMS?
- When creating a prize, is the "level unlock" the XP level?
- Why can't I login to the Arcade I've built?
- Can I assign the Daily Double to a specific clue in Jeopardy!®?
- Can I create Jeopardy!® games in different languages?
- Can I disable Double Jeopardy! or Final Jeopardy!?
- Can participants choose teams in Jeopardy!® and play against each other?
- Can we send out a JEOPARDY!® game prior to our conference?
- Can you condense a Jeopardy!® game into 30 minutes, or does it need to be 60?
- Have you encountered any issues with data bandwidth that would limit a participant's ability to join the games?
- How do I change the Number of Tries?
- If we make changes in individual games will those be reflected in existing games that are using the embed code?
- What can JEOPARDY!® be used for?
- What causes the clue to be greyed out in JEOPARDY!®?
- What do the different Match Types for Text Input Questions in Jeopardy!® mean?
- What is the largest JEOPARDY!® game board I can create?
- What is the max character limit for JEOPARDY!®?
- What is the smallest JEOPARDY!® game board I can create?
- What question types can I use in JEOPARDY!®?
- What skills does JEOPARDY!® improve?
- Have you encountered any issues with data bandwidth that would limit a participant's ability to join the games?
- How do I build a Trivia game?
- How many answer choices can you include for Multiple Choice questions in Trivia?
- What can Trivia be used for?
- What is the max character limit for Trivia?
- What question types can I use in Trivia?
- What size images should I use for Trivia?
- What skills does Trivia improve?
- How do I add a Privacy Policy?
- How do I add a user?
- How do I add someone else just to facilitate an Instructor Led game?
- How do I create a Custom Field in User Registration?
- How do I create a Player List?
- How do I create a Session Limit?
- How do I create different translations of a game?
- How do I create user permissions?
- How do I delete a user?
- How do I embed a game?
- How do I make the game URL private?
- How do I SCORM wrap a game?
- How do I use the Tweet Text feature?
- What is the difference between an admin, creator, and viewer?
- What's the difference between the types of User Registration?
- No Related Content
- Can I disable Double Jeopardy! or Final Jeopardy!?
- Can I see what participants are wagering during a Jeopardy!® game?
- Can I skip to Final Jeopardy!®?
- Can we lean into the entertainment aspect of JEOPARDY!® instead of the training aspect?
- Can we split the game up into smaller segments throughout the duration of our event?
- Can you condense a Jeopardy!® game into 30 minutes, or does it need to be 60?
- Does the instructor have to be an admin and have access to our platform?
- Does the VILT JEOPARDY!® work on tablets, iPhones, etc.?
- How do Daily Doubles work in JEOPARDY!® VILT mode?
- How do I add someone else just to facilitate an Instructor Led game?
- How do I launch a JEOPARDY!® game in Instructor Mode?
- How do I launch the Leaderboard in JEOPARDY!® VILT mode?
- How do I view the analytics after JEOPARDY!® VILT?
- If we make changes to an Instructor-Led game, will the changes be reflected in sessions that have already been created but not started?
- Is there a way to delete sessions that I created while testing and no longer need?
- What do the different Match Types for Text Input Questions in Jeopardy!® mean?
- What happens if the instructor loses connectivity while running a game?
- What is the Clue Preview in Jeopardy!® VILT mode?
- When should I use the Skip to Final Jeopardy! button?
- Why am I having difficulty launching the course when there aren't any registered users in it?
- Will the Mute Player Audio button turn the music off on my device?